

To explore key concepts associated with a training topic

1) Prepare four flip chart pages with the following headings:
    * Components of great customer satisfaction
    * Characteristics of great customer satisfaction
    * Challenges for achieving great customer satisfaction
    * Characters involved in great customer satisfaction
2) Brief the participants. Explain that you would like to find out what the participants already know about customer satisfaction. In order to do this, you are going to play a 4Cs game that will require participants create detailed lists of different aspects associated with the concept.
3) Write these four terms on a flip chart (or project a slide with these terms on the screen). Define and discuss each term.
* Components are parts of the concept. For example, taking an order from the customer is a component of customer satisfaction.
* Characteristics are features associated the concept. For example, speed of service is a characteristic of customer satisfaction.
* Challenges are obstacle associated with the concept. For example, inability to provide discounts is a challenge associated with customer satisfaction.
* Characters are people associated with the concept. For example, a supplier is one of the characters associated with customer satisfaction.
4) Divide the participants into four roughly equal-sized teams. (It does not matter if some teams have a extra member.)
5) Assign a different "C" term to each team. Explain that each team will have the specific task of collecting information about the assigned category associated with the concept of customer satisfaction. In this process, each team should collect items suggested by every person in the room. Also explain that the teams will have 3 minutes to plan, 3 minutes to collect information, and 3 minutes to analyze and organize the information.
6) Ask teams to spend the next 3 minutes to plan how they are going to survey the room and gather responses from all participants. Keep track of the time and give a 1-minute warning after 2 minutes.
7) At the end of 3 minutes, announce the conclusion of the planning period. Ask team members to go around the room, interview members of the other teams, and collect information associated with the team's task. Get out of the way and, as before, keep track of the time.
8) At the end of 3 minutes, ask teams to stop collecting data and return to their original location. Each team should analyze the data, organize the information is suitable categories, and record their findings on a convenient flip chart.
9) Invite teams to take turns to present their findings to everyone in the room. Select the teams in any order. After each team's presentation, ask clarifying questions and encourage other teams to add additional information.

a) What are the common themes for all presentations?
b) What are the differences among them?
c) What are the missing items?

1) Timer
2) Whistle
3) Flip chart paper
4) Markers

1 hour


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