
$20 BILL

Emphasizes the importance of mindfulness.

1) Ask each participant to find a partner and sit (or stand) facing his/her. If one participant is left over, you become the partner.
2) Ask each pair of partners to produce a $20 bill. If any of the pairs cannot find a $20 bill, lend them one or ask them to use any other bill.
3) Ask the partners to hold a single bill by its opposite corners so that each participant can see only one side of the bill.
4) Ask partners to take turns asking questions about the side of the bill they can see.
SAMPLES: How many times is the number 20 printed on my side? How many times is the word “twenty” spelled out on my side? How many digits does the serial number have? What building is shown on my side? How many windows do you see in the buidling? Which direction is Jackson facing in the portrait? Complete this sentence found on my side of the bill: This note is legal tender for all debts,
5) As soon as one partner asks the question, the other partner must give an immediate answer. Correct answers earn a point. Incorrect answers or no answers earn no points. The questioner should immediately give the correct answer.
6) Stop the question-and-answer activity after a few minutes. Ask participants to walk around and find a new partner. (They can also switch to the other side of the bill, if they want). As before, ask the partners to sit or stand facing each other and hold the $20 bill in such a way that they can see only one side.
7) Ask the partners to use the same procedure as before for asking questions, answering, and scoring points. Conclude the round after about 2 minutes.

a) How familiarity breeds mindlessness?
b) What work-related supplies and tools do we take for granted?
c) What are the dangers of ignoring familiar objects and people?
d) What could we gain by paying attention to these objects and people?


$20 bill

15 minutes


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